Video FTP

DCL can transcode any video source (MPEG-2, H264, Mpeg-4AVC, HD or Analog) and place the files generated on our FTP site for client pick up. Using the diverse infrastructure that we have built, we can receive and transcode / capture video streams from VYVX, C-Bank or Ku-Band (MPEG-2, HD or Analog) satellite transmissions. The ability to capture, transcode and store large video files has spawned new service offerings for DCL.


Digital Comm Link, Inc. has deployed a new ENG FTP service for Video Broadcast Quality Content Delivery. This new service is designed to accomodate large file transfers & storage. Tape Feeds and As Live Studio Inserts can be transcoded and transferred as any file type requested, then placed on our FTP Site for pickup at any time by the Television Broadcasting Client. Alternatively, files can be placed on the Client’s FTP site. Clients also have the capability to utilize their own laptop computer and connect to our network at one of our facilities and transfer their files to the clients FTP site locations via our GigE Internet Connectivity.

Hub & Spoke

Digital Comm. Link, Inc. can Pump & Play video files on a Play Out Scheduler, or on request to VYVX Fiber Optic Video Network (13 Ports), C-Band or Ku-Bank (MPEG-2, HD or Analog) Satellite Transmission.